Clement of Alexandria’s “Christian Gnostic” in Stromateis I–II
In the introduction to his 1954 translation of Clement of Alexandria’s (c. 150–215) Paedagogus, P. Simon Wood expresses “hesitancy” on the part of Catholics due to
In the introduction to his 1954 translation of Clement of Alexandria’s (c. 150–215) Paedagogus, P. Simon Wood expresses “hesitancy” on the part of Catholics due to
“Baptism is not only a bath. . . . Baptism is also the restoration of the lost paradise” (212). In Baptismal Imagery in Early Christianity:
This book review was originally published in the Spring 2020 edition of the Artistic Theologian. “A method that can prove anything proves nothing” (52). David
In describing the profound impact of F. Leroy Forlines on students, pastors, and laypeople, one writer said that “his most valuable contribution was a theology
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