Sumner County Youth Choir for homeschool familes- a thing worth doing ATWD blog by Daniel Aaron Webster

Sumner County Youth Choir for Homeschool Families

We are gauging the interest of other families to see if there might be some others interested in having a choir for homeschool families in the Summer County, Tennesee area. For now, we are calling this the Sumner County Youth Choir (SCYC). Please read the few points below, and then complete the survey if this is something that you and your family might be interested in.

Keep in mind: This is not a commitment. We are just gauging interest!

Who can sing in the SCYC and where will rehearsals take place?

The SCYC is not strictly for Sumner Countians, nor is it strictly for homeschool families—others are welcomed to participate. But since our family is a homeschool family and many families like ours do not have such opportunities, we think that this choir will be comprised mainly of homeschool families. We anticipate having two choirs: one for junior high (6-8) students and another for high school (9-12) students. A location has not yet been determined, but since we live in Sumner County, then the location for rehearsals will likely be in Sumner County (we’re looking for a place in Gallatin).

When will the Sumner County Youth Choir take place?

Since we are still gathering interest, a date has not yet been determined. In the survey below, we ask about days of the week and months of the year that work best for you. We will likely meet in seasons. (In other words, we will not meet every week of the year.)

Is there an audition to be in the SCYC?

There is not a formal audition, but a one-on-one evaluation will be held to determine suitability. As long as a student can match pitch, follow instructions, and work hard, he or she is welcome to be in the choir. We are also considering a Basic Musicianship course. This course will be a deductive setting (pen and paper instead of singing) for students who do not prefer a performance setting or for choir members who desire to learn more about reading music.

What kind of music will be performed?

For the most part, the repertoire of the SCYC is generally 1) sacred, 2) SATB, 3) art music. This is not a “pops choir,” so we will not sing contemporary or modern pops standards. While art music is not strictly classical music, it is certainly music of high aesthetic value that promotes the values of classic, choral music. Although much of our repertoire will be sacred, we may sing some traditional folk songs. All of our music, in both content and form, will be for the purpose of glorifying God.

Who leads and directs the Sumner County Youth Choir?

Daniel Webster has a Bachelor’s in Sacred Music (2005) and a master of arts (M.A.) in Church Music (2018). He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Church Music at SWBTS. For the past twenty years, Daniel has conducted choirs at various churches, and he has led musical groups on the intermediate, secondary, and collegiate levels. He is currently an adjunct instructor for music and Bible at Welch College in Gallatin, TN where he is the musical director for the REJOICE! Ministry Team. Daniel frequently adjudicates vocal and instrumentals competitions, and he is the music director at Immanuel Church in Gallatin, TN. Daniel is the main teacher and conductor of the SCYC. You can learn more about Daniel here.

Kimberly Webster has a Bachelor’s degree in Theology and Ministry (2006). She is a homemaker and homeschool teacher for our three junior high and high school-aged children. During rehearsals, Kimberly will be present (always!) to help with matters of administration and communication. To learn more, you can connect with Kimberly on Instagram.

Is there a cost for the Sumner County Youth Choir?

At this time, the hope is to offer this free of charge for students! In order for this to happen, we will need to secure a sponsor who is willing to help us with a facility. We also anticipate incurring expenses for things like sheet music and the cost of an accompanist. This is where your completion of the survey comes in! In order to convince sponsors of this vision, we need a shortlist of interested families. Please let us know if this is something you would like to be involved in.

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Daniel Aaron Webster - blog a thing worth doing - worship, culture, ministry - early Christian music

Daniel Aaron Webster is a minister, writer, and teacher. His primary research interest is early Christian music, especially the musical thought of Clement of Alexandria.

Daniel serves at Welch College as Director of Enrollment & Marketing and Instructor of Music & Theology. He is also the Associate Pastor for Music & Worship at Immanuel Church in Gallatin, TN. 

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